Friday May 3rd & Saturday May 4th
Picture Day will be here soon (May 5th & 6th)! It is highly recommended to print the schedule and highlight your child's picture times. Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes PRIOR to your scheduled picture time. Studio 2 will be used as a dressing room for our ladies and Studio 1 is where all pictures will be taken. Any male students may use the restroom in the lobby for changing. We recommend that students arrive ready (with exception of shoes) and only bring with them what is necessary. If you have multiple class photos within 30 minutes of each other, you may stay in the dressing room.
Please note that all students must have their studio required shoes and in the proper color for photos along with tights purchased through the studio (Cheer and Tumbling exception). This ensures a uniform look amongst the classes and students. We ask that, if possible, you limit the amount of people accompanying the student to 1 parent or guardian and no siblings (unless students) due to limited space.
As a reminder, parents will not be allowed in Studio 1 during photos as it is a distraction to the photographer and classes. Order forms will be passed out in class the week prior to pictures and should be filled out in advance. We will have extras on hand in the event one is forgotten at home. If you have a dancer in multiple classes, you may pay for everything together and place payment or payment information in your LAST envelope. Please discuss with your child if they want any "Buddy" (sibling/friends) or teacher photos before they enter the room for photos so that we can ensure that they are taken, and with the correct person. As always, we appreciate parents reaching out if they know their child will not be in attendance.